Allsorts of Stuff

Posts tagged “problems


I am worn out and drained from all this lack of motivation

My eyes droop without a constant virtualisation

I’m not sure of where to begin to move my life on to the next level…..


No worries that I will forget

Plenty of hurt to remember and regret

Purely coincidence that I was not letting go, letting go


Pour me a glass of Jager

Right to the top, I won’t want to savour

This drink will wash away

My mind, my love, my heart go away


Sticky brown liquid of golden promise

Melt my insides to there end

I cannot believe that this is happening again

I want to go home but to what end?


I know not where I belong

I could stay and fester away doing nothing because of their silly games

I could wander and find no peace, no stable time for me

If I fly to a place I know I am loved

Surely I would struggle to leave behind the people and places I grew to like


A dilemma beyond my mind

I don’t decisions, so I’ll just cry


Pour me another glass of Jager

Don’t add no coke, please do me this favour