Allsorts of Stuff

Posts tagged “space exploration

No Man’s Sky incoming

So guys, No Man’s Sky is on it’s way, whether it arrives before the UK release date of Wednesday 10th August, I have no idea. I hoped it might arrive before so that I can play it for definite on wednesday, because I am working until thursday and if my neighbour doesn’t get it, then I will have to either pick it up from the local post office after/before work or wait until potentially friday, this is not great but with the release date getting moved to wednesday I may get to play it before my time off!

So with that said as some of you will already know, I am doing lots of No Man’s Sky footage once it is officially out. I have been watching the game on twitch a little to get a feel for it, mainly though looking at the elements people are finding. Some would argue don’t watch it as it will spoil it for you, but I’m not sure it will every experience will be very different.

I want to play it now, but as I can’t I am content with watching those willing to risk streaming it. I hope that I can make it an entertaining ride for you all when the time comes.

Thanks for reading,
